FP57: Fancy Food Show
Chef Mark, Chef Moni (a.k.a. the Pastry Princess) and I explore the NASFT Fancy Food Show at the Javits Center in New York, and discover some interesting alternatives for snacking.
Chef Mark, Chef Moni (a.k.a. the Pastry Princess) and I explore the NASFT Fancy Food Show at the Javits Center in New York, and discover some interesting alternatives for snacking.
Food Philosophy Videocast #5: CheddarVision The gents from CheddarVision join us for a discussion about flavor shapes (yes, flavor shapes), the concept of CheddarVision, and how their site has welcomed nearly 1.5 million visitors since its launch. Who knew so many people loved to watch cheese as it quietly ages. http://www.farmhousecheesemakers.com/http://www.cheddarvision.tv/ Sponsor: Go Daddy (www.godaddy.com)Use code food1 for 10% off your orderUse code food2 for $5 off orders of $35 or moreUse code food3 for $6.95 domain names Music: Beau Hall (http://www.beaurocks.com/) Food Philosophy is a production of the Culinary Podcast Network (http://www.culinarypodcastnetwork.com/). food, food podcast, sensuality, Food Philosophy, Culinary…
I have finished it. I began at 1:30 AM, but succumbed to a power nap from 5:00 AM to 9:00 AM as the words began to quiver on the page — and due to no magical spell. Resuming at 9:00, I finished at 1:30 PM. Now I am just sitting, absorbing. My best wishes to all who are still reading. It is a rollercoaster from page 1.
:::Potter Log, 5:00 PM, July 20th, 2007::: Midnight approaches. As the clock ticks softly, I assemble the pieces of my Severus Snape costume. I have not forgotten the wand. Two miniature Harry Potters prepare themselves to appear at my side. One refuses to wear the lightning scar. The other has broken his glasses. They must nap. First to New Paltz, where we shall quaff butterbeer and partake of several chocolate frogs. Perhaps a vomit-flavored Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Bean. As the clock strikes twelve, we shall return to the Mothership, where the bounty of Potter treasure awaits…and the twins get…
Yes, the time is nigh. Less than 3 days remain until we learn the fate of someone who, for many of us, has been a decade-long companion. I’m speaking, of course, of my dear Harry Potter (or, in the words of my favorite black-haired, sneering professor, “Poh-TAH!”). After summers of endless speculation, re-reading and discussion, some note-taking, and even questions about the food at Hogwarts, mere hours remain until we get to the end. The END. I have cleared my calendar from midnight, July 20th through noon, July 21st, and woe unto the person who attempts to disturb me in…
Food Philosophy Videocast #4: Chef Rick Bayless Chef Mark and I caught up with Chef Rick Bayless at the Fancy Food Show in NYC, where he was promoting his line of Frontera Foods gourmet products. The foremost expert on Mexican cuisine this side of the border, Chef Bayless shared his passion for revealing the country’s true flavors to an American audience, going beyond what we normally see on our grocery shelves. You know how much we dig that. www.fronterakitchens.com Sponsor: Go Daddy (www.godaddy.com)Use code food1 for 10% off your orderUse code food2 for $5 off orders of $35 or moreUse…
Since today mark’s the anniversary of the storming of the Bastille, you might want to let your inner francophile come forth for some of the celebrations in NYC today. You might even run into Chef Mark and the CPN video camera! Les Halles is culminating their yearly Liberty Festival (which goes from Independence Day to Bastille Day) with their infamous “Waiter’s Race” right outside the restaurant on John Street. Proceeds benefit the Best Buddies charity. D’Artagnan is hosting a Pétanque tournament in Bryant Park (think bocce but with French people and metal balls). According to our friends at D’Artagnan, “the…
I recently caught up with Chef Josh DeCellis at the Vino in Villa Prosecco tasting in New York, and had an opportunity to delve into his sensual approach to food (my favorite).
I love it when technology functions as a tool to help those who might, at first glance, live a life far removed from the cyberexistence that pervades the rest of us (I, for one, seem to be chained to this laptop). Last weekend I wrote an article about farmers markets for our Hudson Valley newspaper, the Times Herald-Record, and they published an interesting follow-up story today on some local farmers who are actively blogging. This helps them to keep their neighbors apprised of what’s happening both in the fields and at the local market, and gives us, as consumers, a…
Chef Mark is visiting with me in the Hudson Valley this week for a little bit of work and play, so today we decided to get our hands (and feet) dirty. We took a drive up to New York’s Black Dirt region, famous for its onions, and visited our friend Cheryl Rogowski from Rogowski Farm in Pine Island. Her farm served as some of the backdrop for my Go Daddy commercial, so it was wonderful to see how the farm has progressed in he last couple of years. Best of all, we got to pick our dinner! The salad you…