With Gratitude

23 Apr 2010, Posted by Jennifer Iannolo in non-food

I am delighted to be crafting this blog post from my new MacBook Pro, thanks to you. I’m still a bit overwhelmed by all the love that has been shown to me in the past couple of weeks, and though it might sound strange, it was almost worth the price of what I’ve gone through to be sitting here so filled with gratitude. On that very difficult Monday, I never imagined that in little more than a week, I’d be up and running again.

But the best part? Every piece of media I create on this new machine — from blog posts to videos, podcasts and even business proposals — will be created in a state of thankfulness. Every key stroke is a reminder of you.

I’m very interested to see how this affects the dynamic of my work, as I was already in love with what I’m doing. But now I know that you dig it, too, so it takes the experience from the creator’s point of view to a different level. I’m looking forward to the next part of the journey.

So now, because of your help, we can get back to the good stuff. Like food, wellness, sex on a plate, and this magnificent exploration of the senses — which we’re all doing together. Thank you for being here.

With gratitude,

Photo: Kelly Cline