

My Food “Sabbatical”

12 Dec 2013, Posted by Jennifer Iannolo in news & buzz, non-food

Sometimes in life, there comes a moment when you are willing to put everything on pause because there is something you MUST do. This past summer, that moment arrived for me. 2013 has been quite a year of metamorphosis; I’ve taken a good look at what I’m creating in the world, and checked in with myself to see if all the pieces fit. I had no idea what huge changes that moment of questioning would bring. For the past 25 years, I’ve lived and breathed the world of food and wine, and have achieved milestones that would blow away a…

Thank you, Steve.

05 Oct 2011, Posted by Jennifer Iannolo in non-food

Without your genius and vision, I would not have created a podcast. Or the world’s first food podcast channel. On iTunes. The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world…are the ones who do. You did, and for that I thank you.

What I Learned in 2010

31 Dec 2010, Posted by Jennifer Iannolo in non-food

At 12:01 AM on January 1, 2010, I had no idea what was in store for the coming year. I chose to be open to whatever, and hoped things would largely work out for the better, but felt like I essentially knew where I was headed. 12 months later, I sit here with an entirely different existence than what I had envisioned. And for that, I’m grateful. This has been the most extraordinary, challenging, adventurous, soul-enriching year of my life to date, and with that has come catharsis. Since lots of people post their lists of things at the end…

With Gratitude

23 Apr 2010, Posted by Jennifer Iannolo in non-food

I have a new machine, a renewed spirit, and a new way of seeing the world. Thanks to you.

The Power of People

14 Apr 2010, Posted by Jennifer Iannolo in non-food

In what has been one of the most trying weeks of my life, I’ve learned more about the goodness of people than I had ever hoped to find.

Feeding Your Soul

09 Apr 2010, Posted by Jennifer Iannolo in non-food

What makes your soul smile? What makes you jump out of bed in the morning ready to kick ass and take names?

On Being a Savvy Auntie

19 Mar 2010, Posted by Jennifer Iannolo in non-food

My (non)kids range from 1 1/2 to 31 years old, and I’ve been around them as long as they’ve been around. Being an aunt rocks. Also? I get to give them back.

Here’s to the Crazy Ones

10 Mar 2010, Posted by Jennifer Iannolo in non-food

If you are one of those crazy ones, and you have a vision that makes you burn with passion, I salute you and everything you represent in this world. It is you to whom I look for inspiration on my dark days, and you to whom I raise my glass on the bright ones.

A Toast to Ayn Rand

02 Feb 2010, Posted by Jennifer Iannolo in non-food

Today is Ayn Rand’s 105th birthday. I wish she were alive right now to see how many hundreds of thousands of people are reading her books. And so she could say “I told you so.”