Turkey Trot
08 Nov 2004, Posted by food inEgads, it’s that time again. Time to start preparing The Menu. The Sister and I must soon formulate our strategy, for we will undoubtedly have too many recipes on the wish list, and we’ll have to pare it down to human proportions. Then the Niece will get involved with her own opinions, which we’ll ignore as soon as she leaves the room. We’ve already plied Mom into retirement with a bottle of Bailey’s and a cozy blanket, so all bases are firmly covered. Besides, two Chiefs are more than enough at this pow-wow.
Since we have now mastered the art of large dinner parties, the Sister and I have gotten cocky enough to leave things until the last minute. (Woe unto the overconfident.) But to be frank, it has all gotten a bit too easy for my tastes. Perhaps it is time to add a few new twists. This could get, er, interesting, particularly because our old venue has been taken over by the Twins and all of their Things. I wonder if there’s a book called “Transforming Your Garage into an Elegant Dining Room.” If there isn’t, there soon will be. ;)