PodCamp NYC

08 Apr 2007, Posted by Jennifer Iannolo in food

Mark and I spent the weekend at PodCamp NYC with our fellow podcasters and new media brethren (and sistren?), and we had a blast! We finally got to meet some of the people who are part of our daily lives, and hugs were given all around.

The spirit of camaraderie at PodCamp was exhilarating — there were recorders and earbuds as far as the eye could see, and more than anything else, a desire to share information so we could each take our mission of new media to the next level. Best of all, it was an un-conference, so sessions (at least the ones I attended) were more like a group conversation — sometimes a rowdy one. Chris Penn, co-founder of PodCamp and host of the Financial Aid Podcast, gave an inspiring talk on the recent Bum Rush the Charts initiative, which offered an interesting case study on the power of social media. Needless to say it gave us a few…ideas. Hey, as one person in the room pointed out, if Sanjaya can become a phenomenon…

Speaking of phenomena, the talk of the weekend was Twitter. (Does that make its users Twits?) OK, I have not quite embraced the need to share with people what I’m doing at random moments of the day, but in a setting like this it was mighty handy for locating people. I may dabble with it for a hot minute, but since I have so far withstood the need for a BlackBerry, I feel like this might take me into dangerous territory.

Now, back to hugs. I got to share a mammoth one with one of my favorite people: Michael Bailey, creator of the MobaTalk recorder and savior of the Gilded Fork Boutique’s shopping cart (long story…trauma…don’t ask). Michael and I imbibed tasty beverages whilst waxing poetic on the future of digital voice mail and all the features soon to debut on MobaTalk.

I’m just amazed at the things that are happening within our community, and this weekend was a source of fuel for everything we have planned for this year — not only for the Culinary Podcast Network, but for the Gilded Fork as a whole. MobaTalk is part of it, but there is much to come. Muahaha…

Last, but far from least, I finally got to meet someone we’ve been working with for months. He’s been a patient soul, particularly when he gets notes from me saying, “Um, this doodad isn’t working — what did I break?” I have a terrible feeling that there is a dartboard somewhere at PodShow HQ with my photo on it. I’d better get to baking those cookies I’ve been promising them.

Anyhoo, this adorably slick-headed male is Joe Carpenter of A Guy, a Girl and a Bottle, and he might just be unrivaled in the cuddly department. Joe has an interesting dual life: He’s not just a podcaster (and Valued Member of the Culinary Podcast Network), but he’s also the Director of Talent & Promotions at PodShow. Therefore he is the Go-To-Guy for Jennifer’s Broken Doodads.

Joe, Chef Mark and I recorded a tasting session at Veloce wine bar over the weekend, so look for that next week!

Top two photos: Whitney Hoffman; bottom photo: Mark Tafoya

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