Merry Christmas!
25 Dec 2006, Posted by food in My family started Round 1 last night with the Secret Santa exchange, and today we shall move to Round 2 with presents for the kiddies and a very long day of eating. Yes, that’s the family specialty.
I’m giddy to announce that I GOT A STOCKING this year!!!!!!! I love, love, love a stocking filled with goodies all for me, and would trade it for just about anything except diamonds. Of course, in the best of situations diamonds are *in* the stocking.
Gargantua (brother #4) awakened me this morning with news of breakfast fully prepared (it truly is a holy day), so I dined on a bit of filet mignon, eggs and fresh croissants while I prepared myself for an afternoon with small hyper children.
Shortly I shall unveil the Gift of Gifts to my darling sous chefs (the nephews), who prominently placed an Easy-Bake oven on their Christmas list. A loving aunt, who am I to refuse, particularly when I have inspired such wanton cooking lust? Thankfully the contraption comes in boyish colors of silver and blue, because there was no way I was unveiling a pink and purple one — the men in my family would simply turn shades of green, and we have enough of that with the tree and lights.
If you are celebrating Christmas today, I wish you the merriest of Christmases with your loved ones. Remember, it’s only once a year, and if I can be nice so can you. If you are not celebrating this day, enjoy your day off and take-out, and we’ll see you for a week of New Year’s Eve preparations!