FPV17: Cocina 88
Food Philosophy Video #17: Cocina 88 – Guadalajara Chef Mark and I explored the delicious flavors of Guadalajara, Mexico with a dinner at Cocina 88, where I tasted the freshest, most tender calamari that has ever found its way to my lips. This restaurant is a must if you are visiting Guadalajara. Special thanks to our gracious host, Juan Pablo Diz, from Partida Tequila — he’s become one of my favorite dining companions! http://cocina88.com/ Sponsors: Partida Tequila (http://www.partidatequila.com/) Don’t miss our video podcast series with Partida, On the Tequila Trail!(onthetequilatrail.podshow.com) Hamilton Beach (http://www.hamiltonbeach.com/) Go Daddy (http://www.godaddy.com/) Use code food1 for…