FP87: From Las Vegas to the Cotswolds
21 Oct 2009, Posted by podcast
There’s a whole lot happening in this episode, from my trip to BlogWorld & New Media Expo in Las Vegas to my journey through the Cotswolds in the UK.
There’s a whole lot happening in this episode, from my trip to BlogWorld & New Media Expo in Las Vegas to my journey through the Cotswolds in the UK.
The first time I traveled to Scotland with my mother was in 2004, when the Culinary Media Network was a mere blog-type thing called “Gastronomic Meditations,” and my newsletter had about 4 subscribers. It was my first time there, and we were able to visit the house in which she was born — many, many moons ago. Don’t tell her I said that. I wrote a few things about my discoveries then, so I thought I’d recap my first impressions (listed at the end of this post). Next week Chef Mark and I are taking Mom back for a little…