Anthony Giglio Tag


The Wines of Rias Baixas

31 May 2009, Posted by Jennifer Iannolo in beverages, travel, videos

I am off on another exciting food and wine adventure, this time for my first visit to Spain! Interestingly, I’m visiting what some might consider to be the most atypical region of the country, Galicia, to explore the wines of Rias Baixas. When one thinks of Spain, one immediately thinks of red wine and paella; however, Rias Baixas is most well-known for its signature grape, Albariño (al-ba-REEN-yo). A protected varietal, Albariño is the only DO (Denomination of Origin) white wine in Spain, and wines labeled as such must be made with 100% Albariño grapes. Known for flavor profiles of honeysuckle,…