media coverage

Featured food expert in Eat. Cook. Love. (link to preview clip)
Documentary by CBC/Radio-Canada, September 2012
Article by Chris Brogan on Hurricane Sandy relief efforts, November 2012 appearance about “fixing food” and the food police
April 2010
National Television Campaign for
featured as, 2005-2007
Interview: The Tom Anderson Show
FOX News Radio, December 2012
“Last year, Jennifer Iannolo thought she’d go back to school for an MBA in entrepreneurship and use that time to develop her next company. But she was rejected by Oxford University — a great stroke of luck, she now says. The 34-year-old has her rejection letter framed in her office. The day after it arrived, she dove into work for the Gilded Fork, her new online media startup…”
Hitting the Books, BusinessWeek Small Biz, September 2006

“Jennifer Iannolo: An Appetite for Life”
Secrets of the Young & Successful
New York Times Bestseller
Nominee: Best Non-Blogging Food Site
2005 Food Blog Awards
Other nominees: Epicurious, Leite’s Culinaria, eGullet
Nominee: Best Food/Drink Site
2005 World Food Media Awards
Other nominees: BBC (UK), Cuisine (NZ),
Leite’s Culinaria, Jacques Pepin
“You might say the Edge Brownie Pan is about to turn a corner…”
The Washington Post
January 2007
“…Gourmet Goodies from the Gilded Fork are a Gifting Godsend”
December 2006

“There are a number of Web sites that
focus on cooking. This one has a little more
charm than most.”
Smart Computing
November 2006
“…the Reader’s Digest for food podcasts…”
June 2006
“Culinary network threshes out the podcast
wheat from the chaff…”
Seattle Post-Intelligencer
March 2006
“Sound Bites”
Time Out New York
January 2006