

Knock Castle: Princess for a Night

02 Aug 2009, Posted by Jennifer Iannolo in chefs & restaurants, travel

Every woman should feel like a princess once in a while. It makes the world a better place. After our long, winding journey south from the Scottish Highlands, we found ourselves on the lush grounds of a castle, and I felt right at home. (Shocking, I know.) When I think of romantic, bucolic settings, Knock Castle in Crieff is what I picture in my mind’s eye. Aside from being an actual castle, which comprises a certain ancient mystique, there is a sense about the place of intimacy, respite and unpretentious welcome. As I strolled through different parts of the grounds,…

Quick Bites: Scottish Breakfast

01 Aug 2009, Posted by Jennifer Iannolo in food, travel Play in new window | Download | EmbedOur trip to Scotland starts off the right way with a tuck in to a good traditional Scottish Breakfast in Inverary. We’re here to learn a bit about Jennifer’s family heritage, and we’ve brought along her Mum! A production of the Culinary Media Network.

Scotland: A Homecoming

30 Jul 2009, Posted by Jennifer Iannolo in travel

When I visited Scotland for the first time with my mother in 2004, I didn’t have so much as an inkling what my life would be like 5 years later. At that time I barely knew a certain chef named Mark Tafoya, and though I had a food blog, it was the “old-fashioned” kind, without tags or permalinks or anything of the sort. How wonderful it feels to know that now, in addition to sharing some snippets with you from the road, we’ve also captured some of my family’s history on video, and that story can now be shared with…

Video: Chef Eric Lee’s Salmon Potato Canapés

09 Jun 2009, Posted by Jennifer Iannolo in chefs & restaurants, travel, videos Play in new window | Download | Embed Chef Eric Lee from Onyx Restaurant in Halifax, Nova Scotia shows us how he prepares Salmon Potato Canapes for the Savour Food & Wine Festival. A production of The Culinary Media Network.

The Wines of Rias Baixas

31 May 2009, Posted by Jennifer Iannolo in beverages, travel, videos

I am off on another exciting food and wine adventure, this time for my first visit to Spain! Interestingly, I’m visiting what some might consider to be the most atypical region of the country, Galicia, to explore the wines of Rias Baixas. When one thinks of Spain, one immediately thinks of red wine and paella; however, Rias Baixas is most well-known for its signature grape, Albariño (al-ba-REEN-yo). A protected varietal, Albariño is the only DO (Denomination of Origin) white wine in Spain, and wines labeled as such must be made with 100% Albariño grapes. Known for flavor profiles of honeysuckle,…

CMN Video: Fun with Fondue

22 May 2009, Posted by Jennifer Iannolo in travel, videos Play in new window | Download | Embed Jennifer and Chef Mark have fun with fondue and raclette at the world famous Adler Swiss Chuchi Restaurant in Zurich, Switzerland. We learn about the traditions, and what NOT to drink with fondue with our friends from international publications while on a recent trip to Switzerland. Careful not to drop your bread in the cheese! A production of The Culinary Media Network.

FP84: Scottish Chef Tom Lewis

21 Apr 2009, Posted by Jennifer Iannolo in beverages, chefs & restaurants, podcast, travel Play in new window | Download | EmbedIt’s discovery week on Food Philosophy! Scottish Chef Tom Lewis of Monachyle Mhor Hotel introduces me to tongue (oh, behave) and the joy of Scotch, while Maximilian Riedel changes the world of wine for me in its entirety. Plus I’ve got updates on some new features at CMN, and a whole lotta travel goin’ on! Monachyle Mhor Hotel: Food Philosophy is a production of the Culinary Media Network ( Music: Beau Hall (

Video: Halifax Farmers Market

14 Apr 2009, Posted by Jennifer Iannolo in chefs & restaurants, farm, travel, videos Play in new window | Download | Embed Chef Dennis Johnston of Fid Restaurant takes Jennifer on an o’dark-hundred tour of the Halifax Farmers Market, introducing her to some of his favorite artisanal purveyors. He was also very patient with her morning need for gallons of caffeine. A production of The Culinary Media Network.

CMN Video: Savour Food & Wine Festival

05 Mar 2009, Posted by Jennifer Iannolo in chefs & restaurants, food, travel, videos Play in new window | Download | Embed Jennifer and Chef Mark taste the many dishes and drinks on offer at the Savour Food & Wine Festival in Halifax, Nova Scotia. A production of The Culinary Media Network.

Savour Food & Wine Festival

02 Mar 2009, Posted by Jennifer Iannolo in chefs & restaurants, food, travel

We were fortunate to have sunny weather for our trip to Nova Scotia last week, where we attended the Savour Food & Wine festival featuring some of Nova Scotia’s best chefs, winemakers and brewers. This is the event’s 7th year, and takes place throughout the month of February with tasting dinners, wine tastings and cooking classes throughout the region. (Now, dear readers, if you’ve been following closely — and we know you have — you saw that our first tasting dinner was at The Five Fisherman.) Presented by the Restaurant Association of Nova Scotia, Savour has built up a great…

Dinner at the Five Fishermen

26 Feb 2009, Posted by Jennifer Iannolo in chefs & restaurants, food, travel

We kicked off our tour of the Savour Food & Wine Festival in Halifax, Nova Scotia last night with a tasting dinner at The Five Fisherman, situated in one of the city’s oldest buildings. Chef Dafydd Williams-Jones and restaurant manager Gary MacDonald treated us to a tasting of Nova Scotia specialties, which were wonderfully enhanced by the presence of sommelier Avery Gavel and Gary Ramey of Blomidon Estate Winery, who guided us through each course with a selection from his and other local vineyards. Here is a little sampling of what we tasted last night. We wish you could have…